Understanding the Basics of Digital Asset Investment

digital asset investment

The global digital asset market reached a remarkable valuation of $3 trillion in 2022. This highlights the exponential growth and increasing significance of this emerging asset class. Investors seeking alternative avenues to diversify their portfolios have incorporated digital assets.

With the rise of cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and digital securities, understanding the fundamentals of digital asset investment has become more important than ever. Navigating this complex and dynamic market requires a solid grasp of the basics.

In this article, we will explore the key aspects of digital asset investment. We will provide insights into the different asset classes and discuss important factors to consider before venturing into this exciting space. Read on to get the inside scoop.


The most popular digital asset class is cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Both have experienced dramatic price surges and attracted mainstream attention in recent memory.

Cryptocurrencies run on blockchain networks. The blockchain’s beauty is that it’s decentralized, enabling true peer-to-peer (p2p) transactions. Blockchains provide transparency, security, and immutability.

Since they’re decentralized they don’t operate under the traditional financial system. This eliminates the need for intermediaries or third parties like a bank or government.

There are many cryptocurrencies also known as altcoins. Please do your research when exploring them and weighing your investment options.

There are several advantages to investing in crypto. Those who are underbanked or unbanked can take advantage of investment opportunities with crypto.

Crypto also offers a hedge against inflation and unstable economies and monetary policies. With crypto being decentralized, people feel more empowered than ever over their funds.

Cryptocurrencies aren’t without their cons though like security vulnerabilities, volatility, and regulatory uncertainty (more on these later).

To be a good investor in digital assets, you’ll want to assess risk tolerance and consider diversifying your portfolio.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Non-fungible tokens are another digital asset investment worth taking a look at. But what are NFTs? Let’s break this down in layman’s terms.

Bitcoin and Ethereum are both fungible. This means that one satoshi (sat for short) equals one satoshi. There is no difference between them.

However, today there are even Bitcoin NFTs.

A non-fungible token represents a unique digital item. They can be artwork, a deed, music, videos, virtual real estate, etc. You can check the authenticity of an NFT on the blockchain via a block explorer.

They are ideal for collectors and investors alike. Artists are benefiting handsomely from their efforts too. 

Digital Securities

Digital securities, also known as security tokens or tokenized assets, are digitized versions of traditional financial instruments like stocks, bonds, or real estate. These assets are governed by smart contracts, enabling the automation of certain processes, such as dividend distribution and regulatory compliance. Digital securities offer greater liquidity, fractional ownership, and potential cost savings compared to their traditional counterparts.

Factors to Consider Before Investing

When you first embark on your digital asset investment journey, it may feel overwhelming at first. There is so much to learn. Let’s see what factors you ought to consider before weighing your digital asset investment options.

Educate Yourself

You don’t want to just go about it without adequately educating yourself first.

Whatever digital asset you want to invest in, take your time to get to know it inside and out. Each digital asset class has its own set of characteristics. It’s key to learn the underlying technology and associated risks before getting involved.

Do your research on the team, the whitepaper, roadmap, partnerships, community engagement, etc. Spend time in their communication channels on Discord or Telegram. 

You’ll also want to stay up to date with industry news to ensure you’ll make a wise investment decision.

Security Measures

Digital assets don’t come without their security risks. As an investor, you want to evaluate the platforms and wallets before using them carefully.

Always remember the mantranot your keys, not your crypto.

This refers to your private keys. Whoever has the private keys has the crypto.

It’s worth noting that many custodial exchanges like Coinbase are convenient and easy to easy (especially for beginners). They may not realize that you don’t indeed hold the keys to your crypto.

This is why it is recommended to practice self-sovereignty. Utilize hardware wallets for cold storage so that you are safeguarding yourself against hackers, scammers, and bad actors.

If you do use hot wallets, at least use best practices like 2FA (two-factor authentication). 

Volatility and Market Dynamics

Another thing to be aware of for any digital asset investment is volatility and market dynamics. Cryptocurrencies are sometimes known for their price volatility. This can result in substantial gains or losses within short periods.

As you weigh your digital asset options, you’ll first want to understand the market trends and competitive landscape. Conduct thorough market research and do your due diligence.

To become a savvy digital asset investor, you must do your best to set realistic and achievable goals. You’ll also want to exercise risk management strategies and avoid succumbing to emotional decision-making. You want to have “diamond hands”.

While volatility isn’t always a bad thing, there are a couple of ways to set yourself up for success. One thing you will hear a lot is to diversify your portfolio which will cast a wider net. Going with a long-term investment perspective is highly encouraged as well.

You could also do dollar cost averaging (DCA), where you consistently put a set amount of money in a digital asset over time. This way, no matter what the market is doing, you’ll always be in good shape.

Regulatory Considerations

Regulatory considerations also play a crucial role in digital asset investment. The digital asset investment landscape moves fast. It is a bit of a game of catch-up.

Regulations surrounding crypto, NFTs, and digital securities are being formulated. Compliance with regulatory requirements is essential to ensure legal certainty and mitigate potential risks associated with non-compliance.

Familiarizing oneself with the legal and regulatory framework in the relevant jurisdiction is important for understanding the obligations and restrictions imposed on digital asset investments.

Digital Asset Investment 101

How do you start investing in digital assets? We have touched upon some of the key aspects like educating yourself, following best security practices, and weighing the risks involved. Let’s break down further how to begin your digital asset investment path.

Determine Your Investment Strategy

There are plenty of investment options at your disposal, so it’s best to go in with a clear strategy. Do you want long or short-term gains? Are you okay with risks or do you prefer a more methodical, conservative approach?

Map things out like your financial situation, risk tolerance, and digital asset investment timeline.

When you have a strong investment strategy, your decision-making will be much stronger. You will be much better equipped to handle whatever obstacles come your way. You’ll stay focused on your objectives.

Choose a Reliable Digital Asset Exchange

To have a smooth and secure digital asset investment experience, select a reputable exchange. Go for one that is regulated, has a solid track record, and offers a friendly user interface.

Factors to consider are:

  • Security measures
  • Transactions fees
  • Available assets
  • Liquidity

Take your time and research what is out there. Read reviews and choose a trustworthy platform.

A reminder, you never want to leave any digital assets on an exchange (not your keys, not your crypto).

Set up a Wallet

A digital asset wallet is the interface you’ll use to interact with the blockchain. While it may look and feel like your digital assets are being stored in your wallet they are stored on the blockchain. The blockchain is a public, immutable ledger.

Wallets can be broken down into two categorieshot and cold.

A hot wallet is connected to the internet. It offers a convenient way to store your digital assets. However, since it’s connected to the internet it increases your vulnerability to security threats.

A cold wallet is offline. Your digital assets are safer because of this. There are many popular choices to choose from such as Trezor and Ledger.

It is important to note that even hardware wallets pose a risk. Ledger has been in the news recently for this.

Monitor and Review Your Investments

Keep a close eye on your investments. Keep track of market trends, news updates, and any significant news surrounding your digital assets.

You may need to rebalance your portfolio from time to time. By actively managing your investments, you can make informed decisions and optimize your returns.

Embracing the Future of Finance

Digital assets have changed the financial landscape for good. As an investor, it is your job to navigate these unpredictable waters.

While digital assets present unique risks, they also offer unparalleled potential for growth and innovation. Stay informed, exercise caution, and adopt a long-term perspective.

Upgrade your digital asset investment perspective with TrueCode Capital.

Learn More: Take the crypto quiz

Take a three-minute quiz to learn how to become a more confident crypto investor.

When you take the quiz, you’ll get a 15-page PDF report summarizing your qualifications:

  • Do I understand my wealth objectives?
  • Do I have the knowledge to confidently invest in crypto?
  • What is the impact of crypto investing in my portfolio?

Last updated


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